I’m going to assume that this has something to do with some backend config.json debugging? @help

Multiple copies of config.json file.

Gave Lillie a bath.

Markdown Syntax Guide

This article offers a sample of basic Markdown syntax that can be used in Hugo content files, also it shows whether basic HTML elements are decorated with CSS in a Hugo theme.

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How to test dark mode?

You can set dark mode as default by setting params.mode to dark in config.toml or set it to auto which will detect based on your OS and switch to dark mode. For more details refer documentation Here is how you can switch based on your OS iOS Android macOS Windows 10

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Hugo shortcodes

Images ⊕ Dave Herring ⊕ Dave Herring Github Gist Youtube video Tweet Hugo 0.24 Released: Big archetype update + @Netlify _redirects etc. file supporthttps://t.co/X94FmYDEZJ #gohugo #golang @spf13 @bepsays — GoHugo.io (@GoHugoIO) June 21, 2017 Vimeo

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Lid est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expeditasi distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihilse impedit quo minus id quod amets untra dolor amet sad. Sed ut perspser iciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laste. Dolores sadips ipsums sits. Heading 1 Lid est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expeditasi distinctio.

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Getting Started with Traveling Ultralight

I’m on a trip at the moment, and a friend who generously let me sleep on his couch looked at my small travel backpack and commented on how little I travel with: “That’s impressive,” he said. I was a little surprised, because though I’ve gotten that comment before, it’s become normal for me to travel with just a small bag (10 lbs. or less, usually), and I have friends who travel with even less.

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How I Learned to Stop Procrastinating, & Love Letting Go

The end of procrastination is the art of letting go. I’ve been a lifelong procrastinator, at least until recent years. I would put things off until deadline, because I knew I could come through. I came through on tests after cramming last minute, I turned articles in at the deadline after waiting until the last hour, I got things done. Until I didn’t. It turns out procrastinating caused me to miss deadlines, over and over.

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Fearlessness: How to Stop Running from Space

We spend our days filling in every available space, cramming in more tasks, responding to messages, checking social media and online sites, watching videos. We are afraid of empty space in our lives. The result is often a continual busyness, constant distraction and avoidance, lack of focus, lack of satisfaction with our lives. We run from silence. We run from the spaces between tasks and appointments. We run from solitude and stillness.

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Primer: When You Have Too Much to Do

You have a to-do list that scrolls on for days. You are managing multiple projects, getting lots of email and messages on different messaging systems, managing finances and personal health habits and so much more. It all keeps piling up, and it can feel overwhelming. How do you keep up with it all? How do you find focus and peace and get stuff accomplished when you have too much on your plate?

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