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: Popover Testing This spot left empty Open Popover Another paragraph with a buttonSecond Popover in the middle of it. …

: I responded to this post

: I liked this post

: I liked this post

: Messing around with web mentions again test 1 I’m thinking that I might need to place the response in a div within my larger post. …

: Messing around with web mentions again I’m thinking that I might need to place the response in a div within my larger post. Aaron …

: Join me for Shortcuts Live! (feat. Stephen Robles) on April 4th at 12pm PST – Matthew Cassinelli On Thursday, April 4th at 12pm PST / 3pm EST, join me with special guest Stephen Robles to discuss …

: 🍿 Blood and Bone (2009) - ★★★☆☆ 🍿 Blood and Bone (2009) on The Movie Database Kick to the face! Really good action sequences and you …

: # Webmention Rocks Test 1 This post advertises its Webmention endpoint with an HTTP Link header. Webmention Rocks! Begin …

: Testing some stuff out.

: What is my rating system? I have a couple reviews in Letterboxd. While I was thinking about how I would rank them, I felt it …

: Labarum: A Mermaid's Tale (draft) Mermaid daddy

One of the changes that version .117 of Hugo that has been allowed onto is the ability …

: Labarum: Code Blocks & Turning Tables (Draft) "Turn Tables" by Peter Alfred Hess is licensed under CC BY 2.0. I’m rolling out another update …

: Goat test 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

: Table and Gist This is a small table. First Header Second Header Content Cell Content Cell Content Cell Content …

: Code block without a language tag This is a simple example block that shows some code that is wrapped with ``` at the top and the …

: Code block with a language tag This is code taken from my theme and wrapped and started with ```go-html-template. This alerts the …

: Code Blocks Just a bunch of examples of code mixed in with the content of a posts. These are all expected to be …

: Labarum: Restarting Iterations (Draft) During my Micro Camp presentation, I stated that the first publication is the first …

: Floating image test This is just a little test to see if this will float correctly. Chase carouser Blimey port six …

: Sending your First Webmention from Scratch • Aaron Parecki So what do you need to walk through this …

: This is an example reply to @aaronpk. Thanks to the class u-in-reply-to, should send a …

: A tour of the theme Table of Contents The First thing The Second thing The Third thing Figures Tasklists Tables The …

: I just got back from a college tour. This will be the thing that I remember the most.

: Everything Goal for this document I wanted to make a page that contained most if not all of the different …

: Finally finished that first draft. Going to take a nap and then edit it. If I am lucky, I might …

: This is a post with multiple images. Then some more stuff to paste here. Another picture here. Some …

: Currently reading: The Circle by Laura Day 📚 I remember reading this a long time ago and want to go …

: Simple video

: Just whip it today

: Testing a Vimeo video Sending to my test blog

: A clip from the clip app via sunlit

: Ok, this is kind of nice. I like the idea of just having something small that I can post stuff …

: Goal-questions-sprint Sprint Requirements Have no major barrier to entry Consist of very clearly defined, actionable Tasks …

: Calibri don’t at size 11 is unnecessarily hard to read.

: I spent sometime just looking at my phone expecting for it to do something to make my life a little …

: This is just some post.

: Goat testing too, huh? Ok, where are all the tests going?

: For some reason, I got very self-conscience about my writing and stopped.

: I wish Apple had continued working with enhancements to books. Apple has a lot of good ideas that …

: As an example of our brains working against us, I just had a thought cross my mind. Is it too late …

: This is an example reply to [@aaronpk]( Thanks to the class …

: Lillie is a wonder.

: I haven’t been posting as much the last couple of weeks months because of various things …

: How was your first day at work @ChrisHannah?

: I’m going to assume that this has something to do with some backend config.json debugging? …

: Gave Lillie a bath.

: Markdown Syntax Guide

This article offers a sample of basic Markdown syntax that can be used in Hugo content files, also …

: How to test dark mode? You can set dark mode as default by setting params.mode to dark in config.toml or set it to auto …

: Hugo shortcodes Images Dave Herring Dave Herring Github Gist Youtube video Tweet Hugo 0.24 Released: Big archetype …

: Typography Lid est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expeditasi distinctio. Nam …

: Getting Started with Traveling Ultralight I’m on a trip at the moment, and a friend who generously let me sleep on his couch looked at my …

: How I Learned to Stop Procrastinating, & Love Letting Go The end of procrastination is the art of letting go. I’ve been a lifelong procrastinator, at least …

: Fearlessness: How to Stop Running from Space We spend our days filling in every available space, cramming in more tasks, responding to messages, …

: Primer: When You Have Too Much to Do You have a to-do list that scrolls on for days. You are managing multiple projects, getting lots of …

: Welcome to your test blog! You can create new posts here to test theme and design changes.