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50 Ideas for Blog Posts by Lou Plummer #27

27. What kind of decorations do you have in your workspace? What do they mean to you?

The place that I’m currently working has a “hoteling” requirement. This means that I’m required to book an appointment with a cubicle within an allotted set two (2) days a week. We can only book a cubicle 2 weeks in advance and we’re only required to be here two days, there is no guarantee that you’ll get the same cubicle. Also, if you do not book the time someone else can sit there. You can’t book a cubicle and not sit there.

So, it discourages us from taking the time to decorate the workspace.

They’ve tried to make it more “fun” by placing pictures up of excited places, but it’s roughly the same 8-10 pictures in a certain group of cubes.

It’s not all bad, I do have access to a cafeteria and a printer.

Stoot Testing

Just testing in my area.

This is the twitter short code

This is what twitter provides

And, this is what hugo does for the same tweet.


Mastodon Embed

Stoot Output

This is a regular toot

Working on another technical project. It’s looking like it’s going to get more complicated than I expected. Part of me is excited and part of me dreads having to hunt down unexpected issues.

This is a toot with an image

I think I might give this a try.

Image 112878275931064198 from toot 112878275954894008 on

This is a toot with multiple images

Another post with multiple images.

Image 112962303425778240 from toot 112962304543748930 on Image 112962303502420039 from toot 112962304543748930 on Image 112962303545024636 from toot 112962304543748930 on Image 112962303550922135 from toot 112962304543748930 on

This is something with a content warning.

I'm trying something with a content warning.

This is a toot with content warning on the images.

Multiple images with sensitive content

Image 112962342032467150 from toot 112962351533984937 on
Sensitive content
(flagged at origin)
Image 112962342033758096 from toot 112962351533984937 on
Sensitive content
(flagged at origin)
Image 112962342039351201 from toot 112962351533984937 on
Sensitive content
(flagged at origin)
Image 112962342040977991 from toot 112962351533984937 on
Sensitive content
(flagged at origin)

This is a poll

Test poll. Toppings on pizza.


I responded to this post

I liked this post

I liked this post

Messing around with web mentions again test 1

I’m thinking that I might need to place the response in a div within my larger post.

Webmention Rocks Test 1
Just adding to the noise.

For everyone else, I hope that I’m able to write this up and look cool.

Messing around with web mentions again

I’m thinking that I might need to place the response in a div within my larger post.

Aaron Parecki's response that they have on the IndieWeb wiki
Just adding to the noise.

For everyone else, I hope that I’m able to write this up and look cool.

# Webmention Rocks Test 1

This post advertises its Webmention endpoint with an HTTP Link header.

Begin response here

Testing some stuff out.

What is my rating system?

I have a couple reviews in Letterboxd. While I was thinking about how I would rank them, I felt it writing it down would help me.

I finished this but I regret it.
I’m glad someone was given a chance to make this. Hopefully the next thing is better. Still, I would be hesitant to try anything that boasted about being “The people who brought you X”.
It’s alright. I liked it enough. I would watch it again if it was on and enough peer pressure was applied.
I definitely would watch again. I would recommend it to others. In fact, when I’m feeling overwhelmed with all the possibilities, this might be something I put on instead of something new.
Loved it!

Strangely enough, I don’t write a lot about the things I love on the internet. I feel it might be because it _is_the internet. Years of seeing things being ridiculed makes me hesitant to express a strong feeling about something.

I feel that I’m ready to do that more and more now.